"Life in the World Unseen" gives one of the most comprehensive accounts of what follows physical death. Received through the clairaudient mediumship of Anthony Borgia, an old friend to the author, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, who was himself a son of a former Bishop of Canterbury. It strongly supports and emphasizes the cause & effect relationship that exists between this life and the next. The information contained in this book was conveyed from the spirit world to a friend and acquaintance, so it is told in the first person, as one who now resides in the spirit world.
The communicator, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, delightfully shows us, with both humour and compassion, how many of our preconceived notions of 'the next life' are substantially incorrect. One of the great regrets from his earth life was that he too added to this general misconception by his writing The Necromancers, a book which dealt with the subject of spirit return, but which gave a distorted view of the facts. The writing of the present volume, however, has enabled Monsignor to redress his wrongs.
On passing to the spirit world, every person, regardless of color or creed, will find themselves the inheritors of precisely the spiritual abode to which their earthly lives have befitted them. The spirit world is the land of the great harvest, the seeds of which were sown upon the earth: "Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap" has its full and just application. Those who find themselves in the bleak and meagre surroundings of the dark realms have only themselves to reproach, for what they see about them is an outward expression of the current state of their spiritual progression. Just as the beauties of the light realms are created and upheld by theirs inhabitants, so have the conditions of the dark realms been brought about: beauty of deed and thought can produce nothing but beauty.